Reading Pop/Rock Piano Chord Charts And Sheet Music

Pop/rock piano music is often learned by ear, but it can also be written out as:

  • a fully notated piano score (like classical sheet music),

  • a chord chart consisting of only bar lines and chord symbols,

   I C    F    I G    F    I

  • or a combination of both a piano score and chord symbols.

Pop/rock piano students have their work cut out for them - they must be able to play by ear, read traditional piano notation, and read chord symbols. Our online pop/rock piano teachers can incorporate all three aspects into your pop/rock piano lessons, to make sure that you establish a thorough foundation for your piano playing.

  • Reading piano scores: If you are a beginner student, our online pop/rock piano teachers have excellent methods for teaching you to read traditional piano notation. If you can already read music, our online piano teachers can show you the tricks to sight-reading with confidence.

  • Reading chord charts: If you know your chord theory, reading this type of sheet music is a snap. Our online pop/rock piano teachers can show you the many possibilities for voicing chords on the piano, and how to interpret chord symbols in fresh and interesting ways.

  • Reading sheet music that combines a piano score and chord symbols: When your piano score also contains chord symbols, it opens up the possibility of changing the notated piano part to create a more personal interpretation. Our online pop/rock piano teachers can show you how to use the written part as a guide, while embellishing and developing the music in different ways based on the chord symbols.

Being able to read all three kinds of pop/rock piano sheet music will make you a versatile and sought-after pop/rock pianist. But your reading ability is only the beginning. There are countless possibilities for interpreting pop/rock music, and your online pop/rock piano teacher will help you develop your creativity by opening you up to these possibilities.

For a pop/rock piano or keyboard player, it’s also essential to play by ear. Have a look at our Pop/Rock Piano Aural Training page to see how our online piano teachers can open your ears, and teach you to learn your favourite music from the recordings!


Our Approach to Teaching Online Beginners Piano Lessons


Sight-reading Classical Piano Music