Jack: Online Piano Teacher

from $20.00

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About Jack

Our online piano teacher, Jack, offers classical and pop/rock piano lessons for ages 10 and above, from beginner to advanced. This piano teacher has a Bachelor's Degree in Piano Performance, and a wealth of experience both teaching and performing on piano. Jack has been teaching piano lessons since 2015. Jack has performed solo piano recitals both privately and publicly at various venues within Australia. He has premiered works of new music, performed his own music, and participated in a variety of university festival programs. Jack has performed as a piano soloist with the Queensland Symphony Orchestra and as a chamber pianist in many public university concerts and in multiple European countries. This piano teacher has won awards for his compositions and has had his music published nationally. Since no two music paths (or personalities) are the same, Jack's overall objective with each of his piano students is to help them set their own goals and develop the tools they need to achieve those goals.

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